Tuesday, March 11, 2025

MCC ‘supporters’ take to street with ‘welcome MCC’ banners

February 16, 2022

A demonstration was held in the central capital today, in support of the US-aid proposal Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).
A motorcycle rally organized by the MCC supporters had originated from Anamngar and gone through several locations including the Maitighar Mandala. The event was arranged by the Independent Civil Society.   
Those joining the rally demonstrated placards and banners reading ‘Welcome MCC.’ They called for not politicizing the aid proposal as it is for Nepal’s development primarily for the power development and road infrastructure sector. “MCC is capable of becoming a backbone for Nepal’s energy sector,” they claimed.  
The document has sparked mixed reactions against and in favor of the political and public spheres.
In the meantime, protestors of the proposal gathered in front of the New Baneshwor-based Federal Parliament building today after it was said that the document was likely to be introduced in the lower house for endorsement.