Nepali Congress Spokesperson Dr Prakash Sharan Mahat said the NC would always stand for workers of the country. The party born with the support of workers movement would always work for workers, he maintained while inaugurating the third national convention of the Nepal Tourism Workers Union affiliated with the Nepal Transport Workers’ Association (NTWA) here.
“The NC always works for the rights and interests of the workers. Other parties only speak for them, but do not work for them,” he said.
Mahat also pointed out an ‘important’ role of workers in tourism, which serves as a backbone for the country’s economy while seeking cooperation between tourism entrepreneurs and workers to revive the sector marred by COVID-19.
Similarly, the NC central member Kundan Raj Kafle said party would work to end problems facing workers. “The NC will always work for workers,” he said.
Also chief whip of the Bagmati Province, he expressed the hope that the NC would cooperate with the provincial government to make required acts and laws relating to tourism. The Province would play a role in ending problems of workers in tourism, he said.
Former NTWA President and Vice President of the Nepal Trade Union (NTU), Nepali Congress, Ajaya Kumar Rai demanded the management of social security for workers in the formal sector.
“The government should take initiatives in bringing workers in the formal sector under the purview of social security as demanded by the NTU,” he said.
The NC and the government should play a role in bringing workers in tourism onboard social security, stressed the NTWA President Dharma Raj Bhandari.