90-year-old Pavitra Kafle of East Navalparasi Kawasoti-6 Bishnunagar has voted. Kafle said that he was happy to come to the polling station with the help of a wheelchair and cast his vote. He cast his vote at the polling station at Janata Madhyamik School in Kawasoti-6 Bishnunagar.
Kawasoti’s Gomata Bhurtel is also physically disabled and also uses a wheelchair. He stated that it was difficult for him to cast his vote in previous elections as the booths were not disabled friendly.
Similarly, 88-year-old Gyanakumari Shrestha of Devchuli-15 cannot move around without wheelchair. She says that there should be a disabile-friendly polling station should exist for ease of voting. She brought attention to the fact that it would be more difficult for disabled people to reach polling stations in hilly areas than in flat areas.
Even though Dal Bahadur Pandey of Kawasoti is blind, he likes to vote by himself without the help of others. However, it is not possible as such a system does not exist. He argues that it will be easier for the visually impaired if there is a system of using technology and voting through digital means.
Two percent of the total voters across the country i.e. about 360,000 are disabled.