CPN-UML’s Janak Kumar Bohara and independent candidate Ram Bahadur Bohara have emerged victorious in the district’s Budhinanda municipality. Janak has won with 5,115 votes. His nearest rival Padam Kumar Giri of the Nepali Congress polled 3,271 votes.
Similarly, independent candidate Ram Bahadur has secured 4,077 votes in the election. His nearest rival Rita Devi of the Nepali Congress polled 3,677 votes.
According to the Office of the Returning Officer, UML has won 7 wards and Nepali Congress has won 3 wards. Out of the nine municipalities in the district, the results of eight municipalities have already come. In Budhi Ganga Municipality, there is confusion between the Congress and the UML over the counting of votes. Although a team of the Election Commission has been monitoring the dispute in the municipality, no decision has been taken so far.