Election Commission reports that the polling has resumed in the places where it had stopped due to a dispute. According to the Commission’s spokesperson Shaligram Sharma Paudel, polling has started after the dispute has ended in Palpa, Pokhara, Parbat and other disputed areas. In Bajura also, out of the 7 polling stations where the voting was stopped, it has been reported that the voting has started in some of the polling stations. Discussions are being held to end the dispute. EC has instructed the Election Officers of all districts not to postpone voting in any polling center till 5 pm. It has been found that there were few votes in the election held today.
In the Kathmandu valley, the representatives of the Election Commission found less votes during the inspection. The Commission has estimated that fewer votes were cast due to the growing cold. The commission also expects more votes to fall in the afternoon.
After the voting is over at 5 o’clock today, the ballot papers will be taken to the counting place. There is a target to start counting today after political agreement. Paudel, the spokesperson of the commission, expects that the counting of votes in some places can start by late today.