Vice-President Ram Sahay Prasad Yadav has extended best wishes, saying the 17th Republic Day would encourage all to move ahead with unwavering faith in the rights of the general people.
In a message today on the occasion of Republic Day, Vice-President Yadav wished happiness, peace, prosperity and progress to all Nepalis.
“Remembering those martyrs who sacrificed their lives in People’s Movement, People’s War and Madhes movement for federal democratic republic system, I pay heartfelt condolences towards them,” reads the message.
Similarly, the Vice-President extended his deep respects to those injured and enforced disappeared persons during such movements.
“I want to congratulate and extend best wishes on Republic Day as this Day could encourage all to be active for protecting great achievements of democracy, republicanism, federalism, inclusiveness, nation’s welfare and constitution,” reads the message.
He underscored that the establishment of the federal democratic republic system was possible in the country only from extraordinary struggles and sacrifices from the brave people of Nepal. He has also called for moving ahead by being responsible from respective levels to make general people hopeful.