Communication and Information Technology Minister Rekha Sharma has said a qualitative change has come in the life of the general public with the use of information technology.
Minister Sharma said this in a best wishes message she gave on the occasion of the Sixth National Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Day today. She stated that the services provided by the State to citizens are gradually becoming IT-friendly.
Stating that the use of ICT is expanding rapidly, she said IT now is not only a means of entertainment but has established itself as a basic necessity. According to the Minister, utilisation of information technology has made service delivery transparent, easier and prompt as well as helped reduce costs. She said a situation has come in which the citizens can access from home necessary services including financial transactions online.
The Communication and Information Technology (CIT) Minister asserted that establishing the general public’s right of secure use of and equal accessibility to information technology is the need of the day.
She said it is necessary for the citizens and the government to be conscious towards using communication and information technology in a safe way along with its growing use and expansion.
The Minister recalled that the government had to form a high-level task force and take ahead the investigation process some time back after problems were seen in the government’s servers and there were challenges in cyber security. She added that the government has, also internalizing the report submitted by the task force, already taken ahead works for setting up the National Cyber Security Centre to face the cyber security challenges.
Minister Sharma reiterated that the government has prioritised the development of cyber security-related policies and laws.
Noting that the government firmly believed that good governance and prosperity can be achieved in the country with the use of information technology alone, she said the Digital Nepal Framework, 2076 has been issued and implemented with the conviction of transformation in the economic and social sectors using timely information technology for achieving rapid development and high economic growth.
The CIT Minister said 4G service has been extended across the country for making telecommunication services reliable and of quality, and a programme has also been run for expanding the broadband services to all the local levels.
“It is believed that the general public can get the expected benefits from the use of the internet if it could be rendered reliable and sustainable,” said Minister Sharma.