Nepals participation in G77 and China Summit in Havana

September 17, 2023

Dr. Bedu Ram Bhusal, Minister for Agriculture and Livestock Development, delivered a statement on behalf of the group of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) in G77 and China Summit in Havana, Cuba under the theme “Current development challenges: the Role of Science, Technology and Innovation” today.

In his address, Minister highlighted the importance of science and technology, including the latest technologies associated with the fourth industrial revolution, for socio-economic development, combatting climate change and fighting against pandemics and other vulnerabilities.

He expressed serious concerns over the technological and digital divide between the developed and developing nations, particularly, the LDCs. ‘We must keep on pushing for the transfer of technologies from the developed nations, which has not materialized even after decades in spite of concrete promises,’ he emphasized. Hon. Minister also underlined the need of promoting STIs through public policies, incorporating them in education systems and encouraging technological entrepreneurship. He called for the cooperation of the global South to implement the Doha Program of Action for the LDCs, which features the development of STIs in LDCs as a key priority.

Speaking in the national capacity, Minister shed light on the development policies and priorities of Nepal, including preparations to graduate from the LDC status.

The Summit adopted the Havana Declaration on “Current Development Challenges: the Role of Science, Technology and Innovation” as its outcome.