Government Chief Secretary Shanker Das Bairagi has said importance would be given to science education from the school level itself.
Addressing a programme organised by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology to mark the Ninth National Science Day today, he expressed that prosperity could be achieved by means of science if every local level gives priority to science education. Ram Prasad Thapaliya, Education Affairs Secretary at the Ministry stressed the need for increasing access to science.
On the occasion, the National Science Day Main Programme Committee announced that the Science Journalism Prize carrying a purse of Rs 25 thousand is to be awarded to Mani Dahal of Kantipur National Daily. Similarly, the winners of the prizes for aeronautic technology, space technology, innovative technology, disaster mitigation technology and biotechnology have been announced.
Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba, who is also looking after the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, is the chairperson of the Main Programme Committee.
The National Science Day commemorates the day on which the country’s first science college, Amrit Science College, was established. The government decided to celebrate National Science Day on November 23, 2012. The Day is being celebrated by organising week-long programmes.