The Realme Pad X, which was unveiled in China in May, made its Indian debut Tuesday. Realme also unveiled the Realme Pencil and Realme Smart Keyboard in India in addition to the Pad X.
According to GSM Arena, the Indian model, on the other hand, includes 5G connectivity as well as a feature called Limelight, which is similar to Apple’s Center Stage and currently works with Google Duo, Google Meet, and Zoom.
The Snapdragon 695 SoC, 10.95″ WUXGA+ screen, and 8,340 mAh battery with 33W wired charging are all included in the rest of the specifications of the Indian Pad X, which are identical to those of its Chinese cousin. The cell can be used as a power bank for other devices because it also enables reverse-wired charging.
The Realme Pad X is the first Realme tablet to offer Multi-Screen Collaboration, which enables smartphone users to cast their phones’ screens to the Pad X for copying text and exchanging data.
The Pad X ships with Realme UI 3.0 for Pad. Realme GT 2 Pro, GT Neo 2, GT Neo 3, GT Neo 3T, and GT Master Edition are the only devices that presently support this feature; however, Realme has pledged to expand the list.
The rear of the 5G tablet houses a single 13MP primary camera that can be utilised for taking photographs and movies as well as text transcription using the Text Scanner feature. The slate has an 8MP camera with a 105° field of view up front.
A USB-C port, DC Dimming, and quad speakers with Hi-Res Audio and Dolby Atmos support round out the Realme Pad X’s other standout features.
The Realme Pad X is only available in Glacier Blue and Glowing Grey hues in India, and Realme informed us that it has no plans to export the stylish green colour variant to its biggest market, as reported by GSM Arena.
With 1.3mm key travel and a 280 mAh battery, the Realme Smart Keyboard is marketed to provide up to 112 hours of nonstop typing. It is coupled with the Pad X through Bluetooth and is constructed of skin-friendly PU material.