Snapchat, the photo messaging app rolled out their chatbot, My AI, to all users last week. The feature runs on Open AI’s GPT technology and is designed to reply to your messages like a friend. But many users are complaining that the new feature is getting in the way of them chatting with their actual friends.
According to Mashable website, My AI is pinned to the top of users’ Chat feed, above even their pinned and recently snapped friends. Techcrunch reported an influx of 1-star reviews of Snapchat after My AI’s launch, indicating that at least a portion of Snapchat’s user base is pretty unhappy with the chatbot.
But it’s not just My AI’s central placement that’s riling up Snapchat users, My AI uses the data that Snapchat collects about each user to make its interactions feel more like a conversation with a friend. For some, that feels like a violation of privacy. Users are especially wary of its access to their location; screenshots of My AI recommending users restaurants near them gained traction on Twitter and TikTok. Snapchat and other social media platforms have collected data about users for years and years, but My AI personifies that data collection, making its knowledge of you eerily obvious.
The chatbot also came under fire one month ago, when it was a Snapchat+ exclusive feature, for providing inappropriate and unsafe responses after being told it was talking to young teenagers.
Despite all the complaints, some users have embraced My AI, calling it their bestie or homie and using it to complete homework assignments.