Like every year, this time too, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee inaugurated the Gangasagar Mela at the transit point of Outram Ghat. At the beginning of this inauguration, she paid tribute to the heroic traveler, the greatest of all time, Swami Vivekananda by offering a wreath at the portrait. Along with this, she inaugurated India’s first NG electric ferry vessel, ‘Dheu’, with the aim of improving the water transport system. This initiative will not only benefit the environment, ferry system and economy, but will also help in reducing the level of environmental pollution and provide complete safety and more comfort to the passengers. In addition, adding a new dimension to the state’s firefighting and emergency services, 25 5,000 liter mounted pump fire engines, 25 2,500 liter medium-sized fire engines and a fire station at Jangipur in Murshidabad district have been commissioned.
On this day, he said that I am hopeful that all the pilgrims will benefit from the beautiful story that our government has written about the famous Gangasagar Mela. From health to security, from transportation to administration – everything has been well arranged. Follow the rules, participate in this holy bath. Our government is dedicated to your service day and night.