Karnali Chief Minister Jeevan Bahadur Shahi has said that the overall development of the sports sector has been given high priority by the state government.
Speaking at a program organized by the State Sports Development Council in Surkhet today, he said that he has given priority to the promotion of players from the construction of the stadium as the first project of pride of the state.
Chief Minister Shahi informed that plans are being made to construct a temporary playground with the objective of facilitating the conduct of sports activities till the construction of the stadium. “The construction period of the stadium is 30 months. Necessary assistance and monitoring are being carried out by the government to complete it on time,” he said. He also said that there is a plan to build a volleyball court hall of international standard in Birendranagar.
The players from Karnali suggested the Chief Minister arrange a budget for the District Sports Development Committee to have minimum staff and coaches and to give priority to sports infrastructure under the infrastructure budget allocated for the constituency. Similarly, the players demanded the government to provide medals and prizes to the winners of the district and local level competitions, guarantee security, health and employment, stop the flight of players and link the sports sector with tourism.