With India and Pakistan set to clash in the Asia Cup, India captain Rohit Sharma has said that he would not put pressure on Jasprit Bumrah who has returned from injury and will be a key part of the Indian bowling attack and noted that everyone’s performance is necessary.
“I think it would not be right to talk about any one player. This is a team, cooperation of all players is necessary in this team. Yes, the performance of some players is very important but it is necessary to keep an eye on everyone. Because if you want to win the tournament then everyone’s performance is necessary,” Rohit said on ‘Khul Ke’ YouTube channel in an interview released on Friday.
“I am happy that Bumrah is back, he has come out of injury and is playing now. It is difficult to stay out like this for a long time but I do not want to put pressure on them by saying such things, it is expected that as long as you play for Team India, the pressure and expectation will be on you. It goes without saying, so it’s important to focus on your team’s strategy,” he said answering a query.
Men in Blue will take on Pakistan at the Pallekele International Cricket Stadium in their Asia Cup 2023 opener on Saturday.
Team India after the Asia Cup will start preparing for the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 which will be hosted by India from October 5. Rohit said that the Asia Cup is a good tournament before the World Cup as it tests your technique.
“It is a good tournament, we played it last year also before the World Cup. This is a better tournament where your technique will be tested. I am looking at it from the perspective that for us this is a tournament in which we will get answers to the questions we need answers to. This is the right time to play such a tournament. Right now our focus is how to do well in the Asia Cup. After that we will think,” Rohit said.
“It is right for you people to say that this is a series of three ODIs. But for us there is Asia Cup, we played with them last time also, this time also we are playing… When Sri Lanka won Asia last year, they played good cricket. Anyone can win in such a tournament, so you should be ready for it or not think that there is only one match. We are not thinking about just one team but the entire Asia Cup,” he added.