Reigning champion Machhindra Football Club has climbed to the second position of Martyrs Memorial A Division League football. In the match held today at Dasharath Stadium in Tripureshwar, Machhindra defeated Himalayan Sherpa Club by 3-1 to stand second in the points table. Aafiz Alawale scored two goals while Bimal Ghartimagar added one goal in Machhindra’s victory. On the other hand, Piston Mutumba scored a goal for Himalayan Sherpa. Bimal opened the scoresheet with first goal in the 26th minute while Alawale scored in the 68th minute and threw a penalty in the 77th minute to give Machindra a 3-0 lead. Himalayan Sherpa scored a consolation goal through a free kick in the 90th minute of the match. With this win, Machhindra climbed to the second spot with 42 points in 25 games while Himalayan Sherpa has scored 31 points in 25 matches.