The Taekwondo grading test in Biratnagar has started here since Thursday. Praveen Karki, Central Vice President of ITF Taekwondo and President of Province No. 1 informed that in the grading examination organized by Province No. 1 ITF Taekwondo Association, there are Taekwondo Kalopeti 1st, Kalopeti 2nd and Kalopeti 3rd Dawn grading exams.
Karki said that 41 taekwondo players from the province will participate in the test and the grade will be increased for the players who pass the test. Tilkumar Menyangbo, Minister of Water, Irrigation and Energy of Province No. 1, while inaugurating the grading examination, said that the government will support the development of the sports sector. He thought that the three-level government should go ahead with the development of the sports sector and engage in the development of this sector.
State Assembly Member Jay Prakash Chaudhary, President of Nepal National Martial Art Games Federation, and Central Vice President of Nepal ITF Karki said that the state should pay attention to the development of this field as sports maintain discipline.