In this post-monsoon season, three young Japanese climbers, Goto Kisuke, Kagami Taichi, and Adachi Masaki, attempted to climb Mt. Phungi (6,524m), an unclimbed peak in the Manang district of western Nepal.
This was a long-awaited challenge they had been preparing for three years, including the two years of stranding due to COVID-19.
Unfortunately, their challenge ended at 6,150m, but their daring attempt to climb a mountain that had never been ascended before is something to look up to.
Their climb was part of the "Himalaya Camp", a project to commemorate the 120th anniversary of The Japanese Alpine Club in 2025. The Japanese Alpine Club is the oldest mountain club in Japan, founded in 1905, the year the first eight Nepali students returned from Japan.
The program was initiated to give young mountaineers the opportunity to gain experience in Himalayan mountaineering and pass on their knowledge and skills.