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Nepali climber summits Everest 24 times

2022 May 17, 17:32, Kathmandu

Pasang Dawa Sherpa, a mountain guide has climbed Mt Everest 24 times. According to Imagine Nepal Trekking Company, he was able to reach the summit of Mt Everest as a mountain guide with teams of climbers from different countries. Nepali climber Kamirita Sherpa also reached the summit of Mt. Everest 26 times and set a world record just a few days ago.

Pasang initially reared yaks used to transport goods to the mountains. He then began working as a porter in Lukla, a kitchen helper, and a cook in Nepal as well as Tibet before finally stepping into mountaineering. He started climbing small mountains in 1995. He reached the South Col glacier for the first time in the year 1997. He ascended Mt. Everest for the first time in 1998 and has been climbing the summit every year except for the years 2014 and 2015. He could not climb the summit in these years due to the avalanche and the Gorkha earthquake respectively. “I also missed Mt. Everest in 2001 as I was climbing other peaks”, he says.

Pasang Dawa Sherpa
Pasang Dawa Sherpa

Stating that mountaineering is not easy, Pasang explained that foreign climbers often find it difficult to reach South Col and walk all night. Though he has climbed the highest peak 24 times already, he does not believe it to be a high number. “I climb the peak as a profession. I do not know how to make a name for myself”, he said.

Pasang Dawa Sherpa
Pasang Dawa Sherpa


Pasang Dawa Sherpa Mt Everest Mountain Guide climbers South Col Gorkha earthquake Mountains mountaineering
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