CAAN directs to suspend five NAC pilots

January 24, 2023

The Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) has instructed to suspend five pilots of the Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC).

Spokesman of the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) Jagannath Niraula said that five pilots of the corporation who do not follow the rules have been instructed to be suspended.

According to him, the authority has instructed to suspend the pilots Uddhav Ghimire, Rajesh Kushwaha, and Nar Bahadur Bishwakarma after disobeying the instructions of the ATC while landing at the Hong Kong airport and Prashanna Rana and YP Juwarchan for not following the standard operating procedure while flying from Kathmandu to Japan.

When the plane lands at the airport, the rules of the ATC must be followed and landing must be done according to its instructions. According to the authority, the action was taken after the pilot of Nepal Airlines Corporation was found not to comply with it.

Along with the instructions of the authority, the corporation has to suspend all five pilots. After that, the authorities called the pilot and questioned them, a decision will be taken on whether or not to extend the suspension, spokesperson Niraula informed.