Chief Minister of Karnali Province Raj Kumar Sharma has said tourism could be promoted through organic agriculture production. At an interaction organised by the Ministry of Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperative at Birendranagar today, Chief Minister Sharma mentioned that the issue of building organic agriculture province is relevant.
He shared, “Koshi Province government has launched a campaign for building an organic province. Although this is challenging, the important issue should be taken seriously.”
Stating that the importance and necessity of the campaign of organic agriculture production is increasing, CM Sharma pointed out the need of bringing uniformity in understanding among the stakeholders.
“The issue of whether or not we can give alternatives to chemical fertilisers for organic agriculture is important’, he viewed.
Chief Minister Sharma mentioned, “There is a problem of hunger in Karnali. Attraction of tourists will increase automatically if the agriculture sector is developed without decreasing production.”
Saying discussion should be held between federation and provinces for the tourism development through organic agriculture, he urged all stakeholders to be united for the conservation of nature.
Similarly, Secretary at the Cooperative Ministry, Dr Narahari Prasad Ghimire, presented a draft about the basis and possibilities of organic agriculture in Karnali, geographical structure and farming technology, agro biodiversity, organic production and short-term, mid-term and long-term plan for building an organic province.
Likewise, Climate expert Laxmi Dutta Bhatta shared that climate-friendly development was the need of the hour and Karnali Province government should be more active on policy-level things as Karnali is at the high-risk of impacts of climate change. —