The Siddhicharan highway has been blocked due to heavy snowfall. The highway has been closed for three days due to snowfall in the upper part of Solu since last Thursday night. District Traffic Police Chief Assistant Inspector Krishna Katuwal informed that the traffic has been completely closed since Friday morning due to heavy snowfall in the area.
According to transport businessman Dorji Sherpa, two to three feet of snow has covered the roads in the area. The Road Division Office Okhaldhunga used bulldozer to try and clear the road but it was not possible. According to local Nima Glalgen Sherpa, the dozer tried to clear the road by removing snow, but the problem did not stop until Saturday. Due to this, the vehicles left for Solukhumbu from outside the district have been stopped for three days at Thadhe, Todke, Bipalat and other places of Okhaldhunga.
Hundreds of passengers are stranded as vehicles cannot reach their destination. Passengers have complained that they have difficulty in getting food as soon as the vehicle is stopped. It is said that especially the disabled, children and the elderly are in trouble. Local Dipak Rajbhandari said that even though his relatives were coming for the wedding procession, the vehicles were stopped in the middle of the road due to the frozen snow on the road.
Even though the journey from Kathmandu to Solu started on Friday, they had to stop at Todke of Okhaldhunga, said Deepak KC. Chief of the District Traffic Police Office, Katuwal, said that even if it was normal during the snowfall, the road journey would be risky. He also urged not to travel except for urgent work as there is a risk of accidents due to snow on the road and geographical conditions. Efforts have been made to make the road accessible by this afternoon, said the Road Division Office.