Several tourism associations have appealed to the Prime minister in a joint suggestion letter to facilitate a favorable environment for foreign tourists to visit Nepal in the coming days so that the tourism sector, which was harshly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, could prosper again.
Here is how the letter reads:
“Covid-19 has been spreading globally for more than two years, and its various variants have badly affected the tourism business/industry. It is a well-known fact that some businessmen who did not leave the industry during this period had to pursue some other business and the livelihood of the dependent workers and professionals in this industry was seriously affected. In addition, Covid-19’s impact on this business has had a negative impact on the country’s revenue collection and development goals. In this difficult situation, we humbly request the Honorable Prime Minister to immediately facilitate the movement of foreign tourists and create an environment to increase the number of foreign tourists in order to develop the tourism industry business, taking into account the following points:
Therefore, it is believed that necessary steps will be taken by the Honorable Prime Minister for protection and revival of tourism business/industry, which has been severely affected by this global pandemic.”