Twenty four new bridges to be constructed

April 8, 2022

Twenty-four new bridges will be constructed on Nagdhunga-Muglin road. A two-lane bridge is being constructed on the road which is being expanded and improved. 

Currently, there are 27 bridges in the road section. The Nagdhunga-Muglin Road Project has stated that there is no need for a new bridge as three of them are new and wide.

Old bridges are being repaired while new bridges are being constructed along with them. The construction of bridges along the road will be completed in three years, said Project Chief Kiran Karki. He said, “Construction and maintenance of bridges along the road will be carried out.” 

Similar to the old bridges, the new ones under construction will also be made two-lane. The project has stated that three-lane roads are being constructed in most places and four-lane roads in the market area. The construction of a bridge as wide as the road is expected to make it easier to manage traffic congestion.

The road from Nagdhunga checkpoint to Malekhu in Chitwan covers three districts including Kathmandu, Dhading, and Chitwan. The department has been saying that there will be more improvement work than road expansion. Attention will be paid to the construction required for the safety of the road and work will be done to improve the bends and add bridges. 

In most parts of this section, the road will be about 10 to 11 meters wide. The ‘dedicated’ two lanes will be seven meters wide and a meter-long road shoulders on both sides. This will make the road safer, allow parking for vehicles in case of breakdown, and can be used during emergencies.