Bharatpur Hospital has opened OPD tickets five days a week from 7 am. The hospital has decided to open its ticket counter from 7 am. The pressure on patients has increased during the two-day leave of the week.
According to the medical superintendent of the hospital, Prada Krishna Prasad Poudel, the ticket counter will be open an hour before as it’s used to open at 8 am earlier. According to him, the GOPD (General OPD) service will start at 8.30 am and the specialist clinic will from 9.30 am.
Earlier, OPD tickets were open till noon, but the ticket counter will be till 12:30 pm. Poudel informed that this rule will apply from Monday to Friday except on holidays. Testing on the OPD service will be from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
The hospital has made arrangements to test the patients in the OPD from 9.30 am to 1 pm at a lower fee than the private hospital even on public holidays.