Vijay Lama, a senior pilot of Nepal Airlines, is under investigation after giving a video interview allowing people other than the crew to enter the cockpit while flying.
Pilots are required to take permission of the Director General of the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal before taking photos or videos as the entry of unauthorized people into the cockpit affects flight safety. Lama was dragged into investigation of the regulatory body for breaking the rule.
Recently, aviation vlogger Sam Chui interviewed pilot Vijay Lama from the cockpit on a vlog on the Dubai-Kathmandu route. The Department of Security under The Nepal Airlines Corporation (NAC) informed the authority about it.
NAC’s Information Officer Gyanendra Bhul informed that the authority had initiated an investigation in this regard. While the investigation is going on, the corporation has removed his name from the roster of the flight.
“Lama is under investigation now. The report will then go to the Director General and action will be taken according to the decision taken by the Director General,” Bhul said.