Far-Western Chief Minister Trilochan Bhatta has stressed on the need to move ahead with concrete legal provisions to bring the general public under the scope of insurance as per the federalism of the country. Speaking at an interaction with the Far-Western Government on insurance organized by the Insurance Committee in Dhangadhi on Thursday, he said that a public awareness program on insurance was needed to maintain uniformity as there were different understandings about insurance.
Expressing happiness over the establishment of a provincial office by the Insurance Committee in the state, Chief Minister Bhatta said that the insurance system is the best way to reduce the financial loss due to various disasters. Rameshwor Dangal, chief secretary of the same province, said that the state government was ready to take the lead for the development and expansion of insurance, adding that a policy should be formulated for coordination with the provincial government after the establishment of the provincial office of the Insurance Committee.
Chairman of the Insurance Committee, Surya Prasad Silwal, stressed on the need for the state government to provide financial assistance and subsidy to the people, to appoint a liaison person to coordinate for the expansion of access to insurance and to formulate a state insurance policy. They complained that it was annoying