On Saturday, police discovered the body of a four-year-old girl in a bush at Chhapaiya, Birgunj Metropolis-2, Birgunj. She was reported missing by her grandfather on 21 July 2022
Upon further investigation, police discovered the involvement of a 12-year-old boy. According to Deputy Superintendent of Police Prahlad Karki, the 12-year-old boy’s interrogation further revealed the involvement of three other people. Karki, the spokesperson for the Parsa District Police Office, stated that the girl was killed after a gang rape.
The perpetrators, Salman Khan, 18, of Nagwa, Birgunj Metropolis-13, and Zafruddin, 19, both of Chhapkaiya, Birgunj Metropolis 2, have both been detained by police. The police say that the fourth party involved in the incident has absconded.
The Parsa court has extended the investigation period by five days.