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Special weather forecast bulletin public for election

2022 May 09, 8:44, Kathmandu
Rainy Kathmandu. Photo: Prasan Gurung/Nepalnews

The Weather Forecasting Agency under the Department of Water and Meteorology has released a special weather forecast bulletin for the local level election, which will take place on May 13.

According to the bulletin released today, Nepal currently has the influence of a low-pressure system made up of local air and India's Vihar-West Bengal. 

Also in the Gulf of South Bengal, cyclone 'asani' has developed. The system is on its way to the northwest (India) and is likely to remain in the Gulf of Northern Bengal in a weak state by May 13.

The system seems likely to have a partial impact in Nepal as well. That is likely to result in a partial to normal shift across the country in the upcoming local elections. In some parts of province 1, Bagmati and Bengal Pradesh, light to moderate rainfall is likely, including Thunderstorms and lighting. 

Similarly, the bulletin mentions the possibility of light rainfall with thunderstorms and lightning in a small number of places in Madhya Pradesh, Lithuania, Karnataka, and Far West Pradesh.

The General Assembly has requested that it take the necessary precautions to avoid the impact it could have on the election period because of the seasonal system. The Epicenter has said it is continuously monitoring the seasonal system and issuing additional bulletins as needed.


Weather Forecasting Agency Department of Water and Meteorology weather forecast india South Bengal Rainfall election NepalNews
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