Anil Kapoor’s face-off with son Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor in ‘Thar’ trailer enthralls audience

April 18, 2022

Veteran star Anil Kapoor and his son Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor, on Monday, gave fans a sneak peek into their performance in Netflix’s upcoming project ‘Thar’.

Helmed by Raj Singh Chaudhary, the film traces an antique dealer’s (played by Harsh Varrdhan) journey through a remote village in Rajasthan that has recently been rocked by a series of violent killings. As the local cop Surekha Singh (Anil Kapoor) investigates these murders, he comes across the dealer and finds him suspicious.

The trailer, shared by Netflix India, on YouTube, opens with cops Anil and Satish Kaushik investigating a gruesome murder in the desert. A few minutes later, Harsh Varrdhan who deals in antiques marks his presence.