Anonymous artist known by the name ‘Bekcha’ gained popularity during the lockdown after Yabesh Thapa shared the reply version of his song ‘Maya ko Katha’. He started uploading song covers on YouTube nine years ago but gained attention only last year.
The artist was inspired and introduced to singing by his father who sang at restaurants and bars. “I was highly influenced by singer Arun Thapa too. His songs were played in my house every now and then when I was a child”, he says. He started writing his original music about 4-5 years ago. “I read a lot of books and try to paint a picture through my words and songs. I try to not only sing songs but paint a story through it, a story many understands and relate to”, he says.
Bekcha began his career in music when he got signed with Garage Entertainment a year ago. “Slowly and gradually the gate of opportunities and collaboration is opening for me”, he says. Ever since his songs reached out to more people, the anonymous artist feared the fame might affect his creativity in writings. Thus, he chose to keep his identity a secret and remained anonymous. “Bekcha, for me, is all about songs, poetry and stories. I want to be known for that whenever someone hears my name”, he says.