The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Tuesday arrested two Delhi Police head constables for allegedly demanding bribe to allow e-rickshaw charging and parking in the Mangolpuri area.
The arrested persons have been identified as Bhim and Akshay. Both are head constables in the Delhi Police and are presently posted at Mangolpuri Police Station.
CBI informed in a statement that they received a complaint on July 10 from a man who runs a shop for charging e-rikshaws at his shop LSC Market, K Block Mangolpuri, Delhi.
It has been alleged in the complaint that on July 7, Bhim, Head Constable of Mangolpuri Police Station, threatened the complainant to disrupt the operation of his e-rikshaw charging shop and seize the e-rikshaws and demanded a bribe amount of Rs 50,000 from the complainant for allowing the parking and charging of e-rikshaws in front of his shop.
Following this, the accused were caught red handed while accepting the bribe.
During the raid, one of the accused Bhim, tried to flee but was overpowered by an CBI official.
The entire incident was captured in a CCTV installed outside the police station, officials added. (ANI)