Damage of Rs. 12.5 million due to fire

April 1, 2022

A shop has been destroyed in a fire at Yalwang in North Namkha Gaonpalika-4 of the Simkot district. According to Krishna Ojha, Deputy Superintendent of Police, District Police Office, Humla, a one-storey two-room house with a shop and hotel owned by Chiring Paljor Tamang of Ward 4 was destroyed by fire.

 According to the Yalwang Police Post, the fire destroyed two rooms, including a wooden shop, causing a loss of Rs. 12.5 million. Police estimate that the fire may have started due to an electrical short. Tamang had been running a shop and hotel business in Palika Kendra Yalwang for a long time. According to Ojha, Deputy Superintendent of Police, District Police Office, Humla, food, clothes, clothes and other daily necessities were destroyed by fire.