A team including Deputy Speaker Indira Ranamagar, and Supreme Court Justice Sapna Pradhan Mall has reached the Phoksundo area of Dolpa to understand the impact of climate change on the local people.
After reaching the upper part of the Phoksundo Lake area through the headquarters in Dunai, the team met and interacted with the locals and solved the problem there.
Speaking in the interaction between officials of Shey Phoksundo Rural Municipality and the local community, Deputy Speaker Ranamagar said that climate change has caused floods and landslides, directly affecting agriculture and tourism, but the residents do not have enough information about it.
Climate change is a big problem in people’s lives in this area. Nature has not been protected. It has affected tourism.
To prevent this, everyone should cooperate, Ranamagar said in a program organized by the Sath Sathai Foundation on Friday at the Phoksundo Lake.
In the program, Supreme Court Judge Sapna Pradhan Malla informed that nature has the right to be protected and the courts of Nepal have made various decisions about it.
Nature also has self-esteem. There is a right to be protected according to the feelings of the community and caste. This issue is also connected with climate justice, saying that protecting Nepal’s mountains and lakes is necessary not only for Nepali but also for the world community, Judge Malla said that the government should pay special attention to this.
Dr. Bimala Rai Poudel, Member of the National Assembly and former Minister of Foreign Affairs, said that the Dolpa visit allowed her to understand the direct impact of climate change on areas including Phoksundo, and now she will raise her voice from Parliament for justice.
Dawa Sanduk Gurung, President of Se Phuksundo Rural Municipality, and Nima Lama, Ward President of Ward No. 8 of the same rural municipality, submitted a memorandum with the demands that the lake should be protected, land should be compensated, hiking should be organized, and the state should pay attention to reducing risks such as landslides.
The program was organized in cooperation and coordination with the Ministry of Forestry, Se Phuksundo Rural Municipality, Nepal Telecom, Nepal, Telecommunication Authority, KTK Belt, and WWF, where the residents presented the effects and problems of climate change. Prajita Karki, the organizer, and Chairperson, said that taking the problems faced by the local people as a suggestion, they would draw the attention of the concerned agencies and continue such programs.