Bharatpur Metropolitan City releases Rs 6.31 billion budget for FY 2080/081

June 26, 2023

The Bharatpur Metropolitan City has announced the budget of Rs 6.31 billion for the Fiscal Year 2080/081 BS.

Deputy Mayor of Bharatpur Chitrasen Adhikari tabled the budget in the 13th municipal assembly on Sunday with the provision of Rs 1.75 billion as internal income, almost Rs 1.84 billion from intergovernmental fiscal transfer and Rs 540 million to be received from the revenue sharing from the federal and Bagmati Province government.

Likewise, Rs 500 million would be received from public participation, Rs 1.65 billion from the bank deposit and Rs 30 million from Road Board, Nepal.

Furthermore, Rs 1.1 billion is projected in the heading under the intergovernmental authority.

The Bharatpur Metropolitan City has allocated Rs 1.65 billion for the incomplete projects in the current fiscal year and the multi-year projects. Similarly, provision has been made to implement the programmes from the ward-level and Rs 20 million has been allocated to each ward for the implementation of such projects.

A Complementary Partnership Fund would be established and implemented for the development of mega and the strategically important projects for which Rs 100 million has been allocated for this.

The Bharatpur Metropolitan City has allocated Rs 160 million for urban beautification and land-utilisation, and settlement development.

Likewise, Rs 70 million has been allocated for the implementation of agriculture-related policy that include mechanization of agriculture, capacity building of farmers, technology transfer, production of seeds, providing grants to the farmers based on the quantity of the farmers and other activities.

The Metropolitan City has allocated Rs 40 million to run special health programmes targeting children, senior citizens and women.

Similarly, Rs 30 million has been allocated to complete the incomplete task of Gautam Buddha International Cricket Stadium establishing partnership and cooperation with the federal government and Bagmati Province government.

Earlier, Mayor Renu Dahal had tabled the policies and programmes of the metropolitan city.