The problem of Cholera in Baitadi has appeared in the pets of four local levels of the district. According to Gumani Dutta Pant, head of Patan Veterinary Hospital and Veterinary Services Expert Center, the disease has been found in domestic animals in Patan Municipality Ward No. 5, Dasharathchanda Municipality Ward No. 7, Melauli Municipality Ward No. 2 and Pancheshwor Village Municipality Ward No. 5 and 6. He said, “Cows, buffaloes, oxen, goats and other domestic animals have been found to be suffering from the disease. Animals have even died due to the disease.”
A vaccination campaign against fungal diseases has also been launched in the affected areas. The centre has informed that the technicians have started vaccinating infested animals now. Other uninfected animals are also vaccinated to prevent the spread of the disease. The centre has provided free vaccines against the disease and the technicians of the concerned municipality are working to vaccinate them.
If the disease is found in animals, the symptoms include sores in the mouth, cuts in the legs and hooves, inability to walk and even affecting the tongue. Farmers are advised to keep the cowshed clean and pay special attention to cleanliness as there is less chance of recovery after contracting the disease