With the implementation of the system of passing 70 percent in the experimental test (trial) taken for the driver’s license, the number of people who pass the driver’s license has increased from 10 to 20 percent. Based on the decision made by the Bagmati Province Government, all four Transport Management Offices of Kathmandu Valley have implemented the rule of passing if they bring 70 percent from the beginning of this month. The Ekantakuna office has informed that despite the implementation of the rules, the passing rate has increased up to 20 percent in two-wheelers and up to 10 percent in four-wheelers.
Rajkumar Kapali, the head of the office, said that the online form-filling exam is being conducted by managing the pressure of the office. He says that although the pressure is high in the beginning, the number of retrials will be low. The service users who have passed the written exam will get two more chances if they do not pass the practical exam once. He said, “After passing many at one time, the giving would be reduced by repetition and repetition.”
Other states have already implemented the rule of passing only if they get 70 percent in the practical exam. Bagmati province, which has the highest number of service users, started late due to various reasons. Chief Kapali said that the pressure in other provinces is extremely low and the pressure in the valley is higher in a day than in a week in the district offices outside the valley.
In the past, when the rule of passing only 100 percent was applied, 35 to 40 percent of two-wheeler vehicles passed, but now it has reached 60 percent. According to the office, 20 percent of the participants in the light vehicle driver’s test passed, but now it has increased to 35 to 40 percent.