Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha said the first priority of the government and home administration is to ensure good governance to the people. Addressing a province level interaction at Bardibas here Wednesday, DPM Shrestha directed the security officials and employees to stay aware against any activities that disturb general security.
"Ill efforts to disturb Nepalis' unity in diversity were being surfaced of late. So, it is essential to foster love and harmony among people from diverse communities. Unity among Nepalis must frustrate the evil attempts that intend to disrupt harmony and tolerance," DPM Shrestha underscored.
National unity and protection of the constitution is must on the basis of territorial integrity, national security, social unity, he reminded, admitting that although the country witnessed political change, social justice and economic prosperity were yet to be realized. The DPM further said the political parties working for democracy and the general people must be united to protect the constitution and federal democratic republic. Social and religious tolerance must be kept intact, he underscored.
Moreover, he urged the security officials and employees to curb criminal activities and exorbitant price hikes and ensure safety to the general public and their property.
He also drew the attention of concerned district officials on complaints relating to loan-sharking.
The programme was attended by chief district officers, chiefs of security bodies, civil society representatives, heads of political parties from eight districts of Madhesh Province. DPM Shrestha also listened to the views from attendants.