Finance Minister Janardhan Sharma has said that the country will not run on imports and remittances alone. At the fifth district conference of the Nepal Industry and Trade Federation Chitwan here today, he said that the domestic product revenue should make the country run.
He said that now the country is dependent on imports and remittances, “The country should not depend on customs revenue to run the country, but the revenue of internal production should make the country run.” He said that production-oriented economy is necessary in the country now.
He said that in order to stabilize the country’s economy, it is necessary to have industries and businesses in the villages. He said, “Workers should be trained and encouraged to work as industrialists, businessmen or in the country itself.” He said that the country can be made independent only through production, he said that the state is ready to increase investment in the production sector. He said that the current need is to increase exports by discouraging imports through private, cooperative and government investments.
Minister Sharma said that the effect of price increase and war in different countries has affected Nepal. He said, “There is no stopping the price increase and war going on in the world. It continues to spread. This has also affected Nepal.” He said that the government has made a policy program to support economic development and production. He said, “Poverty in the country will come to an end when the budget brought by us is implemented.”
Speaking on a different occasion, he said that the current alliance was formed due to the country’s and political compulsions. He said that there is no alternative but to cooperate with the current alliance. He said, “The coalition should move forward with cooperation. Giving the alliance a certain amount of time will help political stability and development.” He said that now the parties are discussing to make the alliance successful.
The session held under the chairmanship of Dayaram Dawadi, the District President of the Federation, also formed a new working committee of 22 members under the chairmanship of Bishnu Prasad Paudel. Kishore Wagale, Bishwamitra Shrestha are the vice-chairmen of the committee, Gobind Aryal is the secretary, Jairam Khatri is the treasurer, Dinesh Sedhain is the co-secretary and Kedar Bahadur Karki is the co-treasurer.