Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has garnered suggestions from former prime ministers, former foreign ministers, various political party leaders and experts on foreign affairs in the wake of his imminent visit to India.
At the programme held at his office in Singha Durbar on Sunday, he believed the suggestions would help make his India visit fruitful. PM Dahal viewed he was taking suggestions in view of his India visit, and so far, the suggestions were positive and for the national interest.
Dahal believed that there would be national consensus on the agreements to be made with India during his visit.
In the programme, former Prime Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai has suggested to PM Dahal that he create an atmosphere of trust between the two countries. Both sides could work on receiving the EPG report to solve various issues relating to the two countries.
Former foreign minister Dr Narayan Khadka suggested PM Dahal to put forth his views confidently by keeping in mind the national interest.
Another foreign minister Pradeep Gyawali viewed he urged the PM to stress on receiving the EPG report, resolve border issues based on historic facts, reduce trade deficit, ask India to be liberal on allowing entry to Nepali products, and forward various hydropower projects.
Similarly, former foreign minister Dr Prakash Chandra Lohani told the PM to keep in-centre the national interest, welfare, and Nepali’s dignity.
Former foreign minister Ramesh Nath Pandey suggested the PM to talk confidently on solving border related issues.
PM Dahal is scheduled to visit India from May 31 to June 3 at the cordial invitation of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.