Acting Prime Minister and Minister for Defense Purna Bahadur Khadka said the present Constitution was an epochal and historical outcome in the political history of Nepal.
In a message today on the occasion of the Constitution Day, 2080, he said the Nepal Constitution that was promulgated with full support from and struggle and sacrifice of all political parties and Nepali people has fully secured the political, economic and social rights of the citizens and opened up new horizons of political stability, sustainable peace, good governance and development.
Khadka further said the Constitution has envisioned building a civilized, exploitation free and equitable society by ending all forms of oppression, discrimination, economic inequalities and social anomalies and aberrations prevailing in Nepali society.
“The Constitution has connected the diverse Nepali society to a wider national unity. The main law of the land is a common meeting point of 30 million Nepali people living in the mountain, hill and Terai”, the message reads.
It was the shared responsibility of all Nepali people to protect, adhere and effectively implement the constitution, Khadka said, stressing the need to work hand in hand for the implementation of the constitutional provisions.
“The incumbent government is committed to execute the constitution in a way to make people realized changed in their lives. On the occasion, I believe the government would receive wider public support for developing the nation being sensitive to the constitutionally-guaranteed fundamental rights and responsibilities”, the message states.
The acting Prime Minister has extended best wishes and congratulations to all Nepali brothers and sisters at home and abroad on the occasion. He expressed respect to all known, unknown martyrs and leaders of different political movements for the establishment of federal democratic republic country in the occasion. —