Chief Minister of Bagmati Pradesh Rajendra Prasad Pandey has inspected the Melamchi floods today. After the observation, Chief Minister Pandey understood the letter of attention submitted by the Flood Victims Concern Committee and informed that a 40 million budget has been released through river conservation for river control and settlement protection.
Giving instructions to work fast, he also mentioned that there is a plan to add Rs. 100 million. Chief Minister Pandey said that the floods had caused incomparable damage in the region and directed to start work immediately after conducting the necessary study. He urged the Minister for Health of Bagmati Pradesh Nima Lama, Minister of State for Livestock and Poultry Indramaya Gurung, former Minister for Social Development Yubaraj Dulal and others to facilitate him.
He requested immediate action through the Consumers’ Committee by making a plan of Rs. 50,00,000. Melamchi Mayor Dambar Aryal also informed about the report prepared by Pandey on the basis of expert suggestions and submitted it to Melamchi Municipality.
On behalf of the Flood Victims Concern Committee, the coordinator of the committee Upendra Tamang handed over a letter to Chief Minister Pandey with various demands. Similarly, he reached the Helambu area today and listened to the complaints of the locals. The floods that hit Melamchi, Helambu and Panchpokhari districts on June 15 and beyond caused great loss of life and property.