Rastriya Samachar Samiti has organised a photo exhibition on the occasion of the Republic Day-2080 BS. Minister for Communications and Information Technology Rekha Sharma inaugurated the exhibition amid a function here today at the RSS central office in Bhadrakali Plaza.
On the occasion, Minister Sharma observed the exhibition that displays the photos earlier disseminated by RSS reflecting diverse cultural aspects of Nepal. It will run until May 31.
It with the theme of ‘Our Culture, Our Heritage’ displays different 78 photos showcasing cultures and heritages of all seven provinces of the country and Kathmandu Valley.
The photos in the exhibition are about different festivals, processions, fairs, temples, monasteries, and religious shrines which in a way portray the cultural diversities of Nepal. The photos put up in the exhibition were captured by RSS photojournalists and were also disseminated earlier through the RSS network. RSS has been organizing such events on special occasions, including its anniversary.
Established in 2018 BS, The only state-run news agency has been providing various services (Nepali news, International news, English news, feature news, photos (Nepali and international) and audio and video news) to its subscribers.