Minister of Communications and Information Technology Gyanendra Bahadur Karki has said that an alliance will be formed in the local level election on the basis of necessity and justification.
Talking to RSS at Inaruwa, the district headquarters of Sunsari today, he said that the alliance would be formed only on the basis of necessity and justification in the upcoming local elections.
Minister Karki, who is also the spokesperson of the government, said that there would be friendly competition in many places, adding that alliances would be formed only where there was need and justification. He said, “The alliance is formed on the basis of necessity and justification based on the suggestions and suggestions of the friends while correcting the shortcomings of the past.”
Stating that politics without development cannot transform the country and society, Minister Karki said that the country’s need now is to guarantee development, good governance and rule of law, for which an alliance has been formed.
He urged all to be sure that the local elections would be held on time in a peaceful manner. Minister Karki said, “Local-level elections will be held on April 12 in a peaceful, fair and fraud-free manner.”