Jitendra Kumar Jha, a Nepalese working in Saudi Arabia for the past few years, has been brought to Nepal as a victim of a brain attack. According to the Nepali Embassy in Saudi Arabia, he was working in Saudi Arabia since 2016 in connection with foreign employment.
While sitting in his room, Jha collapsed due to a brain attack. Although his health improved after a long period of treatment, the left side of his body could not move after that, the doctor involved in his treatment requested he is taken to Nepal as soon as possible, saying that his health would improve further if he was treated with his family. The Nepali Embassy prepared the necessary documents for the patient to bring to Nepal and arranged to bring him to Nepal on a stretcher along with a nurse by Nepal Airlines flight. All the expenses of bringing him to Nepal were borne by the Government of Nepal. Jha is currently undergoing treatment at Bir Hospital under the care of his family.