Transportation service at five local levels of Bhojpur has been disrupted due to rains. The rains have washed away the unpaved roads in the rural areas. When the transport is closed, the locals have difficulty transporting daily necessities along with transportation.
Transportation services to Ram Prasad Rai, Hutwagadhi and Amchok municipalities in the southern region and Shadananda municipality and Salpasichilo municipality in the northern region have been suspended. Since the road was flooded, there has been a problem in milk collection along with the agricultural products produced by the farmers. There is a demand from the locals that the concerned body should pay attention to the maintenance.
Ramesh Karki, director of Ganeshsthan Dairy, says that there is a problem in the collection of dairy products. “Agricultural produce has to be taken to the market after an arduous journey,” he said. Maternity and patients have been facing problems after the road was blocked. Santosh Bista of Temkemayung Village Municipality-5 said that it was difficult to transport daily necessities.
The road from the district headquarters to Panchdhare Bazaar in Khotang is also closed. Bhojpur-Leguwa (66 km) road and Bhojpur-Chakheva (42 km) road are in operation