Police have arrested two Indian nationals who were involved in robbing five people from the house of Santosh Pandey of Bhimdatta Municipality-3 Subhprabhat Toll by mixing narcotic substances in a birthday cake and rendering them unconscious.
According to Deputy Superintendent of Police Chakra Bahadur Shah of District Police Office Kanchanpur, those arrested are Sera Jat, aka Sunny, and Sahil Sharma. On February 4, 2022, both of them, who were renting a room in Pandey’s house, said that it was their birthday and gave the Pandey family a cake mixed with narcotic substances. After eating the cake, all the members of the family fainted. The two then ran away after stealing jewelry, mobile sets, laptops, etc.
“Both were on the run after the robbery”, Deputy Superintendent of Police Shah said. “After getting the information that the two robbers were detained in the prison office, Dhangadhi, Kailali, we are conducting the necessary investigation by bringing them to the office by the order of the District Court Kailali.” It is said that those who were involved in the robbery on Monday were brought to the District Police Office, Kanchanpur.