A party unity declaration assembly was organised here on Monday among Nagarik Unmukti Party, Sanghiya Loktantrik Rastriya Manch, Kochila Ekata Sangharsha Samaj and Nagarik Sasaktikaran ka lagi Jagaran Abhiyan.
Chairperson of Nagarik Unmukti Party and Minister for Land Management, Cooperatives and Poverty Alleviation Ranjita Shrestha Chaudhary, Manch Chairperson Gyan Bahadur Gurung, Samaj’s Coordinator Trinarayan Rajbanshi and Chairperson Dinesh Raj Rajbanshi and Binod Pandey of the Abhiyan signed the 10-point party unity agreement.
Inaugurating the party unity declaration assembly, Minister Chaudhary said Nagarik Unmukti Party was established against the suppression.
She stressed that they had to be united so that the incident that occurred in Tikapur of Sudurpaschim in the past is not repeated in other places of the country.
Minister Shrestha clarified that the party competed in the election and joined the government to release party leaders and to fulfill people’s aspiration for development.
Similarly, Manch’s Chairperson Gurung, Vice-Chair AB Pandak Limbu, Vice-Chair of Nagarik Unmukti Party Damodar Pandit, Chairperson of Sangharsha Samiti Chaudhary, among others laid emphasis that unity among those struggling for identity was needed to uplift the oppressed, backward and marginalized communities.