The Rashtriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) won the mayor post in Damak Municipality, Jhapa district in the May 13 local election. RPP candidate Ram Kumar Thapa has been elected the mayor with 17,525 votes while his nearest contender Gita Kumari Poudel Adhikari of the CPN (UML) got 17,072 votes. Adhikari was elected the deputy mayor in the local election in 2017.
Regina Bhattarai of the Nepali Congress has been elected the deputy mayor securing 16,966 votes as against her closest competitor Ambika Prasad Khanal of the CPN (UML) who got 16,574 votes.
The total number of voters is 58,176 and the voter turnout in May 13 elections was 39,895.
The UML has won the ward chair post in wards number 1,2,3,5,6,8 and 9, the Nepali Congress in wards number 4 and 10 and the RPP in wards number 7.
RPP’s Thapa was the common candidate from the six-party alliance in Damak municipality.