Gandaki Province Chief Minister, Surendra Raj Pandey, has said the province government is effortful to operate regular international flights from Pokhara Regional International Airport.
In his address to a programme organized by the Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Forests and Environment here today, the Chief Minister said the government is committed to addressing issues in the province’s tourism industry.
“The government prioritizes the need to connect Pokhara with the rest of the provinces via an air route,” he said.
He also took time to say that he is in touch with the Prime Minister in regard with operating international flights regularly from the airport and hoped to get a positive response soon. He expressed the government commitment to further exploring the tourism industry in the province, talking about the government’s plan of developing some sites as spots for religious tourism.
He added that the provincial government is positive towards the call to markets in touristic areas at night as well.
People present at the program representing the tourism sector urged the government to insist on sustainable tourism development with the management of sufficient human resources and infrastructural enhancement. They underlined the need of the revival of tourism industry affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and economic issue.