Provision has been made for three years imprisonment or a fine of Rs. 3,00,000 for beating of health workers and staff on the issue of health treatment. Minister for Health and Population Virodh Khatiwada presented the “Ordinance on Health Workers and Health Institutions (First Amendment) Ordinance, 2022 AD” in the House of Representatives on Tuesday.
The ordinance stipulates imprisonment for two to five years or a fine of Rs 200,000 to 500,000 for setting fire to such health facilities.
Locking or encircling the health facility, obstructing the treatment of the patients coming to the health facility for treatment or creating problems for the health workers and staff in any way, threatening, abusing or behaving in an indecent or insulting manner is punishable by one year imprisonment or fine of Rs.1,00,000 has been provided in the ordinance.
The ordinance, which was ratified by President Bidyadevi Bhandari on May 8, was presented to the House of Representatives by Health Minister Khatiwada on Tuesday. The ordinance issued by the President has also been published in the Gazette. After the death of the patient during the treatment, the relatives of the deceased start beating the health workers and set fire to the health institution, often times. Thus, the government has brought this law to control it.